Old syllabus- CA IPCC - Costing Preparation Strategy for May 2018 exams 📚

Costing being a Night Mare 🌃 subject for majority of students, but to say frankly it's the easiest if u learn in a conceptual way 🔥

Coming to Preparation Start costing with

🎉Basic concepts ( complete in 1day)
🎉Material (2 days)
🎉Labour (2 days)
🎉Overhead (2days)
🎉Marginal Costing ( 2 days)
🎉Standard Costing (2days)
🎉Budgetary Control (1day)
🎉Contract Cost (1 day)
🎉Process costing (2 days)
🎉Operating cost (1 day)

Now start Financial Management with

🌟Ratios (1day)
🌟funds and cash flow (1day)
🌟Working capital (2days)
🌟cost of capital and capital structure (2days)
🌟capital budgeting (2days)
🌟sources of Finance and 1st chapter of financial management which is theory (1day)

Thats it

In a day allocate complete 8 hours 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening

Never neglect theory in Costing, 35 marks can be asked in the Form of theory for Theory u can follow icai practice Manual..

- All the best
